GI OKR – Manage your OKRs and be more productive now!

OKR is a powerful goal management system to improve execution.

OKR stands for Objectives & Key Results.

GI OKR - Free to start OKR Management Business Tool - Goal management system to improve execution in 2 minutes on Youtube

We made a system which is based on the vision of John Doerr, disclosed in book “Measure What Matters“. OKRs are used in many companies (Google and Intel among others).

According to John Doerr:

“The objective is what I want to have accomplished. The key results are how I’m going to get it done. The objectives are typically longer lived. They’re bold and aspirational. The key results are aggressive, but always measurable, time-bound, and limited in number.

One of the powerful things about this system is that at any level of an organization you’re only going to have two or three, or maybe four or five, objectives. And three or so key results. So it requires a kind of rigor and discipline about saying, these are the most important things that are going on in an organization.  It’s not the sum total of tasks. It’s not the work order for the enterprise. It’s whatever we as a team agree deserves special attention, and it really matters. At Intel, Andy Grove had us post our personal OKRs outside our carrels, so everyone could see them.”

What we like is that it should be represented on a card (and we love to play cards):

  • clear and short objective
  • only measurable results